Friday, February 29, 2008

The beginning of the end...or the end of the beginning....

I just finished recording the last vox for the last song for our record

it's all recorded
all of it

all recording is done

no more to do!!

i feel so awesome

now i just have to mix and master it
no big deal right?

that starts tomorrow


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wham, Wham, Wazzle - Lay Some Skin On Me Dudes!



Marty is playing his new joint, "Camden Town." I am playing mine, "Back With Your Shield Or On It." Martin's is acoustic on the album as well. Mine is considerably electronic (you'll see).

These were the last two songs recorded for the album, and they will both be on it (in their different forms).

If you want to download these for your iPod, I also put them on Google Video so go there and check it!


Monday, February 25, 2008

There goes Pat

We tracked Pat's new song.

It sounds good.

I'll be doing the bass for it tomorrow.

Pat is driving home in some very icy weather.

We recorded some studio videos for your entertainment.

We rock.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here comes Pat

Tomorrow will we will commence recording of the 12th and final song for our album, The Dog and The Wolf.

This week will be the last week of tracking.
What an amazing feeling.

By this coming friday...everything will be recorded for the album...

I can't wait for you to hear this album


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

El Fin


If all goes according to plan, I will make a final visit to Letterman Studios next week and track the last bits of what I have (including the all new song "Back With Your Shield Or On It." I just sent Martin the demo I hastily recorded this morning and afternoon. We still have a few wrinkles to iron out, but once we do get your face melting gear ready - and a box of tissues - and your dancin' shoes - and some corn flakes.

Kittens! Pat!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Number 11


I wrote the last song for the Dog and The Wolf

a short acoustic number

all tracking will be finished in the next two weeks

that's not saying we won't track those 2 new songs of Pat's if there's time

but they probably wont be on the Dog and The Wolf

all mixing will be done in march

all mastering done in april

released in may


Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Hey all,

I am procrastinating somewhat, and I just wanted to let you know: With any luck, we will get one more session in the studio where we will hopefully record Far From Home Music . . .

And! I have two brand spanking new songs to lay down (both fresh off the grille <- Fancy). They are called "The Man, The Legend" and "Back With Your Shield Or On It."

Ttyl, gtg,


Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fiddle me This

I am teaching myself how to play violin.

and I just wrote an awesome
violin part for one of Pat's songs


be excited for that

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Key to The Kingdom

I could dance

and I am

I now have
in my possession
a key
that opens every door in the tcom building here at ball state

that means nothing to all but a few

but now I can get into the studios and record whenever i want

which is beyond amazing

I tracked vox for a song tonight



Monday, February 4, 2008

To Tears

These updates are just not exciting for anyone...but me.

Maybe I'll put up a video soon or something.

I mixed some stuff tonight

the end

Friday, February 1, 2008

All Your Bass


I tracked the bass for two songs these past few days.


if i don't get sick
(it's starting to look like i'm going to)
i'll be tracking some vox next week
or maybe tomorrow


that's all the excitement I have for now

don't pop
