Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Dog And The Wolf

I'm holding the packaged CD in my hand right now.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Ideal Listener for MVM

Our research shows that the ideal listener for MVM is a man, dressed like a woman, is over 40 but wider than a mile, 9 feet tall, all that, is a camaro owner, parakeet aficionado, Michelob drinker, half canadian, half sausage, half cowboy hat.

The Dog and The Wolf is being pressed and packaged as I write this.

( above excerpt taken from Jennifer L. Knox's book Drunk By Noon)
Check her out at

news on ordering preordering purchasing listening and enjoying The Dog And The Wolf coming soon

Friday, April 4, 2008

In a minute there is time...

for decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.

mastering will be finished up tomorrow
no more tinkering or dinkering
it's time to leave well enough alone

or rather

leave really good alone

The Dog and The Wolf

Coming very very soon