Monday, March 10, 2008

Another Day, Another Demo

Hey you little cuties,

So, Marvtin sent me 3 mix "demos" - only because they aren't COMPLETELY done - for me to do some notes on, and I just wanted to tell you folks, that they are marvelous. All of this talk with no more sneak peaks makes me feel like I am just teasing you, so I will get on McMartin to make another sampler or something.

Anyhow, as I was listening to the tracks (to find the terrible mistakes Martin is inevitably making), I realized how honest all of these tracks are - they are more or less a co-written autobiography (if there can be such a thing) of Martin and I growing up over the last 4 years. It is really great - really. And I cannot wait to share it with you.

I was thinking we should name the record Autobiography, but dammit if that talented and new-nose-having Ashlee Simpson already beat us to that, and we don't wanna tread on Pete Wentz's territory, so the Dog and the Wolf it is.

See you soon! Hear us soon!

p.s. I bought and finally received a melodica.

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